Astrology Natal Chart Report

Astrology Natal Chart Report

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A full natal chart report detailing the interpretation of all the planets positions in the zodiac and astrological houses at the time of your birth (natal chart). At an average of 10,000 words this report details how your chart may effect your personality, likely life experiences and possible challenges as well as detailing the effect of the relationships between aspects of your personality (i.e planet positions) based on the planetary aspects present in your birth chart.

Please understand that it takes a few days to calculate a chart by hand, interpret and write a full report, as well as factoring in postage time if you are opting for a hard copy of your report. If you are ordering for a birthday that is coming up soon please send me a message and I will endeavour to attempt to get it to you prior to the birthday.

Astrological birth charts require accurate information of birth date, time and location as small variations in these details creates a different chart so please make sure that the information entered is as precise as possible.

Please note that I understand that this is personal information that needs protecting, and in accordance with GDPR I make sure to delete any digital and physical record  of sensitive information surrounding birth details after calculating the birth chart planetary and house positions (except for the painting itself!).

Please feel free to contact me if you would like a particular focus in your report, such as career, love life or personal development.