Distance Tarot reading - Differing Spreads available.
You can either ask a specific question or request a general reading.
10 Card Celtic Cross Spread - A more in depth reading of any question or general current overview. This spread looking into past, present and future situations, what is currently blocking you, conscious and unconscious themes, advice, external influences, hopes and fears and an overall outcome of your current path.
If you would like your reading to be astrology informed, please include your name, Month/Day of birth, and if others are involved in your question, please provide their name(s).
I will send your reading via email with a complete write up of your reading, including pictures of your individual cards and the spread as a whole.
Remember that your future is in your own control and cards change as you change; while there are no "bad cards" in tarot, if the reading reveals an outcome you do not desire this may be a sign to change your current course a little bit.
Please note that Madame Culpeper’s make any claims relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to products or services we offer.